
Friday, November 16, 2012

Never Give Up


is the FCCL motto (closely followed by  "Don't let the bastards grind you down" ) and this is  the message we would like to pass to our comrades in London who are battling the same as we are to save fire and rescue services from viscous and unnecessary cuts in provision.

Therefore we  would like to publicly send our support and solidarity to those who are fighting the closure of New Cross Fire Station in London. Seems they too are suffering from the fire authority preferring to do things behind closed doors  as this newspaper article demonstrates in the  East London Lines News

Paul Embery the FBU’s regional secretary for London  recently said .............

“The London Fire Brigade is a proud organisation with a fine history. But it is now facing possibly its greatest challenge. Its leaders must do the right thing and tell the politicians these cuts are wrong and dangerous. If they don’t do it, the FBU will.”

Does that sound familiar ---------  a little like  the West Yorkshire Brigade Secretary David Williams who was recently quoted  in The Guardian as saying............

"Firefighters are angry because these cuts will slow response times. Small fires will become big ones. In emergency situations every second counts, a few seconds delay can be the difference between saving a life or failing to save it"

So New Cross - your fight is OUR FIGHT  
because Fire Cuts Will Cost Lives. 

And to help you on your way we have sent you an email explaining how FCCL operates and how we run our very successful blog.  (which obviously we aren't going to publish but have sent to you separately)

And of course there are the mysterious coincidences of our campaigns .............. FCCL has Sam Hirst as one of its members - he is our photographer who took the picture on our front cover and also the ones we have sent to English Heritage for our application for Gipton  to be listed  AND Chloe Hirst his sister is based in London and is writing in East London Lines about the cuts in provision, and an example of her work can be seen  HERE

Then there is Eleanor Covell,  a student and resident of New Cross who is opposing the closure of New Cross who is the daughter  of our very own Sarah Covell. Seems it's a very small world indeed!


And because its Saturday,  and probably  just because we have learnt how to do it is the FCCL motto in jigsaw form.

Can you reassemble it to create our motto?
In less than 2 minutes ....................  ?
(and BossHooch using the autosolve is cheating)

Because in Less than 2 MINUTES - THIS CAN HAPPEN


  1. Ok so i am useless at jigsaws!

    2 mins 35 secs

  2. 1.33.

    Two Covells .If the daughter is anything like the mother the
    New Cross campaign is on the up

  3. Perhaps it is time for a united campaign - all the anti cuts groups coming together New Cross and West Yorkshire can't be the only ones.

    would the FBU be able to co-ordinate something ?

  4. FCCL are not part of the FBU although they are aware of the campaign and are supportive at local level. We would be happy to support other campaigns nationally but our present success comes from our local knowledge, And the fact that WYF&RS have no idea how to deal with social networking, it is something they have no control over no matter how much they try and bully their employees. It is perhaps something that the FBU nationally should look at. We have done an article for the FBU's "Firefighter" magazine but don't know if or when it will be published.

  5. The FBU are the people most likely to know who is doing what all over the country and a spot of country wide solidarity most certainly wouldn't go amiss. We at FCCL have already decided whatever the outcome of the consultation we will continue to run this blog and report on the business of WYFRS. Its our duty!

    But if people know of other campaigns we will most certainly help and support where we can - link to other blogs and share publicity.


If you would like to contact us directly our email address is