Firefighter stages roof top protest and Welsh police facing cuts
send their new volunteer negotiator. Factual but Funny
(and please dial 999 in case of emergency not 911)
Riots break out in Trumpton over fire station closure
This seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back in the eyes of many residents following the steady creep of sell-offs and cut-backs in the former idyll since the 1970s. In early clashes between rioters and the police, the bandstand was overturned and Mr Crockett’s garage set ablaze amongst scenes of general destruction and anarchy across Trumptonshire.
Local resident Brackett explained the people’s anger. ‘I’d been in the employment as butler and footplate man to Lord Belbough for sixty years, man and boy’ he raged, ‘but up comes an offer from Marriott to turn Winkstead Hall into a fancy country hotel and golf course and I’m out on my arse without a by your leave.’
The town’s social infrastructure is at breaking point, with further proposed reforms making matters worse as Dr Mopp threatening to strike over the latest NHS changes. Local industry has also been hit as the Chigley biscuit factory, for decades the largest local employer, is set to close as new owners Kraft move production of Trumpton Crunchies to Poland. Production has also ceased at Colly’s Mill, which was part way through conversion into a set of luxury flats when the housing bubble burst, bankrupting Windy Miller and leaving the mill as a derelict eyesore on the edge of town. Camberwick Green railway station was lost as well after Bessie the engine was stolen for her scrap metal value and has now been demolished to make way for a new Tesco superstore.
Captain Snort and the boys from Pipin Fort have been trying to restore order, but are struggling due to recent casualties in Afghanistan. During a pitched battle for control of the town square, local anarchist Mrs Cobbit summed up the true feelings of the residents. ‘It’s disgraceful that the mayor should still have a chauffer driven car given all the sacrifices that other people are having to make’ she grumbled before lobbing a petrol bomb at PC McGarry (number 452).
(many thanks to for this article )
(many thanks to for this article )
Fire fighter and a Marijuana Fire
(yes we know its a spoof, but its funny)
Its getting close to the time to decorate your Christmas Tree - and Blaze Bear shows you how to do it safely......
Ok so there is a serious point to be made in this video - but the FCCL team were helpless with laughter whilst watching it.
What can we say - we agree 100% with this sentiment
Oct 6th 2012
We are getting reports of complaints of noise at the Gipton 75th Birthday Party on Saturday - apparently the karaoke was a great success though and Station Commander Nigel Kirks rendition of that great Bryan Adams classic " Everything I do, I do it for FRU" was warmly applauded.
He came second to Tony Head whose Elvis classic "Love Mi' Tender" got marginally more votes.
There was some debate in the FCCL office today as to whether the picture below was funny, strange or just plain YUK
So we have decided to have a caption competition - IF you would like to win one of the new WYFRS Hot Date Calendars just email your caption via the link below. The closing date for entries is 31st October, when the judge (our very own FCCL photographer Nighthawk) will pick the winning entry.
To send your winning caption, please email us via this link here HERE
(we are wondering why they bothered keeping their hats on btw)
Unfortunately, we have to report today that one of the firecutscostlives team failed their health and safety exam.
One of the questions was
"In the event of a fire, what steps would you take?"
"F#&%ing big ones" was apparently, not the right answer.
(better luck next time Bosshooch )
A fire chief died and went to heaven. When he got there he saw a long line waiting to get in to the pearly gates. He told himself, "I'm a fire chief, I'm not going to wait in line." He went to the angels guarding the gates and said, "Let me in. I'm a fire chief." The angels replied, "You'll have to wait in line like everyone else, sir." While waiting at the back of the line he saw a sedan pull up with red lights and a man got out wearing a white helmet that said "CHIEF". The angels popped to attention and let the chief enter heaven. The waiting fire chief was pissed and went to talk to the angels. He asked, "Why did you let that fire chief go through and not me?" To which the angels replied, "You have it all wrong, sir. That's God, he just thinks he's a Fire Chief."
How do you put out a fire? Take away the HEAT , FUEL , OXYGEN , or the CHIEF!
Two fellows were sitting in a coffee shop ... suddenly the Town's Fire Alarm went off ... one jumped up and headed for the door ... his friend shouted, "Hey, Tom, I didn't know you were a fireman!" Tom replied, "I'm not, but my girlfriend's husband is ... "
Fortunately attacks on crews attending incidents have in recent years diminished, but not so many years ago in certain areas of West Yorkshire it was a major issue. Here is an article from the Huddersfield Examiner in 2008 which gives the context for the "cartoon" below...Huddersfield Examiner June 16th 2008
A Day in the Life of the Gipton Commandos
| |||||
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
More powerful than a locomotive
Faster than a speeding bullet
Walks on water
Gives policy to God
Able to leap short buildings in a single bound
More powerful than a switch engine
Almost as fast as a speeding bullet
Walks on water if sea is calm.
Chats with God
Able to leap short buildings with a head start and tail winds
Almost as fast as a switch engine
Faster than a speeding arrow
Walks on water in an indoor pool
Speaks with God if special request is approved
Barely clears small huts
Loses Tug of War' with Locomotive
Can fire speeding bullet
Swims well
Occasionally addressed by God
Climbs over dog houses
Is run over by locomotive
Can fire speeding bullet without self injury
Doggie paddles
Talks to animals
Runs into buildings
Can recognise locomotive 2 out of 3 times
Is not issued with ammo
Can stay afloat if instructed
Talks to walls
Trips over steps entering buildings
Says "Look at the Choo Choo!"
Squirts himself with water pistol
Plays in mud puddles
Mumbles to himself.
Picks up tallest buildings and walks under them
Kicks locomotives off their tracks
Catches speeding bullets in his teeth
Freezes water with a single glance
Now if you enjoyed "definition of rank" you will most certainly enjoy "Ode to Simon Pilling" which is on one of our partner blogs COVEN ..........its available HERE
It is good job you are not relyig on comedy as a career
Its a good job i am not relying on firefighting either - we are doing this because stations will close and people lose their livelyhood.
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