We understand that at least one person involved is aware of what took place. And to be honest the decent thing to do is resign ............... in fact all three of them should.
The potential strike by Fire Brigades Union members will we expect be used as an excuse not to invoke the correct disciplinary procedures......... we will watch the next 24 hours with interest. (whilst nervously clicking our biros in anticipation !!!)
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Keep Out. |
have you actually considered what your 'blogging' is doing to the actual people who are still working in the control room??? there seem to be some personal attacks which are quite unfounded!
you seem to be swaying from why all this started, working whilst on the SICK!
Dear Anonymous, What exactly are FCCL doing? You make the statement "Working whilst on the SICK" Where is your evidence? It is clear that WYFRS had no evidence in the first place otherwise things would have been different, they desperately tried to find evidence to justify their position, and you are jumping on the same bandwagon. What, it seems, FCCL has done, is to highlight the pathetic attempts taken by senior managers of WYFRS in order to try and entrap innocent members of their staff. The fact that one of the persons own colleagues has made similar comments, again without any evidence, is deplorable and shows how low people can stoop!
The people who authorise surveillance and rifle handbags are the same people who tell us stations should shut, that everything is hunky dory. I run this blog (with a lot of help from my friends) to show that WYFRS and other fire services are not what they claim to be. And as its very successful I can only assume we are hitting the spot. Remember this blog was set up because in 2011 Simon Pilling bragged about how many hits his IRMP website got.(or as we evidenced - didn't get)
The evidence about antheas sicko fiddles is littered over the internet just look at how many events she had flogging her baloons not to forget her books at a time she was too sick to work. She called ut a hobby on tv but on her website talks about opening a shop. Fact is she was caught out and has been in denial ever since but the truth will out
The truth about wyfrs is all over the internet now too thanks to Sarah sticking her neck on the line. I dont often comment but its really clear that the top staff bend rules and figures to fit. They have been caught out by somebody who didnt quite rightly trust them.
This started because with taxpayers money they had her watched. No investigator, no story. It must be incredibly difficult working shifts with a young family, they treat her like dirt. It took a great deal of courage to go to the press and we respect her for it.
Again, anonymous "Sicko fiddles" Where is the evidence? We know that WYFRS search the internet looking for evidence to use against serving and former employees and when they don't find any , invent some! And we DO have evidence of that! SO if the evidence was there as you claim, why didn't they use it???
Kid yourselves all you like but just carry out a google search on Anthea and go beyond the last few weeks and a different picture about her sales activities appears and from what i heard the case against her was proved and she was given a warning. Her so called pay off was a fraction of what gets paid in cases where the employer has really acted badly and she knows that which means she got a cheaper to pay her off than keep her on the books whilst she is doing nothing type of pay off
There is an ongoing tribunal case it will be interesting to see how much he gets for the same treatment. And tribunals are public lets all pop along and listen to what is said. This is nothing to what will come out in the future. The Chief should take responsibility for this and resign, he is rapidly losing people to hide behind.
This is all trivia in this case storm in a handbag. I have listened to that tape and for the life of me i am unable to work out how one can tell they rifled through it or just looked at it - Birkigate this aint
Its begining to look like a group of conspiracy theory yanks have been downloaded by aliens onto this site. We have a woman who deliberately leaves her handbag behind with a hidden tape recorder so she can listen in to what the HR people are discussing.How legit is this ? What kind of tricks did she get up to before that ? Wouldnt surprise me if she put the tracking device on her car herself - it looked like a home made contraption on the tv and difficult to believe a big firm of private eyes were using something so obvious. Maybe they still have her under observation but who cares
Let's have the facts the whole facts and nothing but the facts instead of all this speculation. Was she working when she should not have been , was she followed around , was she disciplined , did she get compensation for what she claims, did she secretly tape meetings of colleagues, did they search her bag ? What is the real truth ? I don't think we are going to find it on this site
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