Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Well, well, well look what we have been sent
In accordance with LCC petitions guidance, please see the attached documents relating to a petition that 264 people have signed; the contents of which are self explanatory.
It has come to this stage because  senior investigating officers in the Fire Service, and some Fire Authority members, refuse to acknowledge the fact or take accountability for the proven facts that;
1. A fire engine and crew were misused at the tax payers expense.
2. The falsification of official documents to hide fact 1.
3. The people of and businesses of Wetherby were put at an unacceptable risk for over 4 hours.
We would like assurances that this incident, and others like it, where operational crews are stood down to carry out charity work will not happen again.
We would like an “independent” investigation or neutral interpretation of the proven facts.
Suitable action taken against the person who allowed this incident to happen and falsified the records.
An acknowledgment that this incident was wrong and an apology to the general public.
But WYFRS  seem non too  keen to  accept the fact that a full and frank investigation should take place.......... here is a response from  Mr Barnes , the WYFRS solicitors. And sadly we kid you not he did reply to a member of the public in shouty capital letters, (how very unprofessional and rude).
We copied and pasted the below directly from the email to
demonstrate the size of font Mr Barnes used.
I am not sure where you obtain your advice from but I am obliged to inform you that there is no provision in the FRA Constitution for a petition to trigger a public discussion.
The next meeting of the FRA is the AGM on 30th July. There is a limited provision subject to compliance with procedural requirements and certain exclusions for members of the public to ask questions at FRA meetings but if you read the Constitution then you will discover that public questions are not permitted at the AGM and questions about Code of Conduct and disciplinary matters are not permitted at any time which is why I feel able to confidently predict that this subject will not be on the agenda of the FRA meeting on the 30th July or any other FRA meeting and why I will not be receiving the petition from you.
I thought I had made it abundantly clear that I am not prepared to meet with you or your "team" on this subject which is a concluded matter.
Please stop asking or be prepared not to receive or have any expectation of receiving any further response on this subject.
MG Barnes

Well folks there may be no provision in the WYFRA constitution but by hell there should be. And working on the theory that the "team" Mr Barnes refers to in a derogatory matter  includes a rather high profile internet campaigning organisation,  we reckon that things may shortly change in that department.  Public organisations are obliged to be transparent - and are accountable.

(which may come as a shock to those  residing in the Birkenshaw Ivory Tower).


And as Mr B aint talking about this anymore ..........he can't complain its in the public domain can he :-)  

1 comment:

Sarah Covell said...

perhaps I should add the high profile internet campaigner isn't FCCL